Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ready for 1st show

Didlow Down is off to its 1st show on Sunday 22 Feb 2009, It will be going with 2 boards, which are about 80% finished as you can see from the pictures, at the moment it is mostly grass, but hopeing to put some hedges etc on very soon.

A Passenger Train comes out of the bridge under the road that leads from the village to the station, on the right is the yard, where a Wallis & Steevens Advance steam roller is currently parked up, on the left is the site of the plate laywers hut.

The loading bay finished, it is able to load and unload 2 wagons.

An over view of the layout with bridge in place.
Will get some pictures from the show to post.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

I have been working down in the yard today, I have added a pile of coal at the end of one of the road, either having been up loaded from a wagon or going to be loaded into one to be moved up the line for the villages. I have also added some coal in the coal stage in the engine shed area, have added some on the oppisite side of the track showing that when loading the bunkers of locos they have missed and it has fallen on the ground and they havent moved it.

I have also been working on a small loading stage to load and unload the raw materials that will be comming and going out of the yard and going down the line, still a ramp to be added .

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Layout update

I have been working on the layout this afternoon and into the evening, with intention to maybe take it to its first outing in March, yet to be decided.