Sunday, March 01, 2009

1st Exhibition Midhurst, 22nd Feb, 2009

Sunday the 22nd Feb 2009, Didlow down made its 1st public appearance at a small one day local show in Midhurst.
It was a very enjoyable show and i think that things went on, just need to add a littly extra weight to some wagons to make then shunt better.
I hope that the layout went down OK with the public, always hard to say, but the next outing that I have booking in isnt till August soe plenty of time to do some more on it.

Black L&B stretchs its legs and departs pasts the yard with a passenger train

Busy times in the yard, as James (time for re paint) 0-6-0 shunts some stock.

After running off the turntable the 0-6-0 Saddle tank makes its way on shed.

After a re coal and water, the loco takes charge on a passenger train complrising of 4 4-wheeled coaches.

Think this is my favourite shot, WD Baldwin with a mixed train, the wagon behind the loco has a covered up car on it, then a bogie coach and 4-wheeled break van.